Jun 23, 2009

Going Barefoot

I am thinking about looking inward and not outward. Doing all that I can with all that I have. In my space, In my time. Not wishing to be in someone else's shoes, for they will not fit. Being brave and going barefoot!

finding a way...

to let go of what people think

to not be scared of judgment

to address what i feel in the moment rather than let it build up

to make time for what is important to me

to let go of what is not

to know that it's okay if i don't always do my best

because good-enough will be good enough for today

to listen to my body when it's speaking to me

to let people know when i might need their help

to let people know when i need to retreat for a while

to start the project, the one i have been dreaming of

to take my courage in my hands and ASK

to use the inspiration and create a new way of seeing

to place my two feet on the path, rather than one foot here and one foot there

to trust that love will heal my heart

to be willing and welcome it

to truly see the good things

to know that the bad things carry a message within them

to know, in my heart, that this too will pass

to let it go, to let it go, to let it go

to remember that I have survived worse, and flourished

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