Aug 3, 2009

Beauty and Brains!

This is my dear friend Melanie, she is not only beautiful but very intelligent and she has a lot of talent to share with this big 'ol world.....

So, I'd like to take a moment to ask all of you, my lovely readers to do me a favor......You will? aww, that's just so sweet and kind of you.

Please look at Mel's Blog: Debt-Free by 30 and by look at it I mean take the time to read her message to you........

"There have been ‘two’ things I can absolutely count on every year and this has been since birth. On both my birthday and Christmas Eve, I am given a small, white envelope with my name on the front, the handwriting familiar and the contents guaranteed. This year was the 58th time I opened that gift, given to me by my Grandpa Charles and Grandma Beryl Elmore. My Gram has carried on the tradition since my Grandpa’s passing. Inside the card, signed and dated in the same handwriting, crisp as if just off the press, a $2 bill." - Melanie Hogan

Continue over to Her Blog to read more. Oh and.....She is selling lovely prints on her blog for just 2 bucks, yes you read correctly 2 bucks!

What are you waiting for? Go read, go look, go buy!!!

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