Aug 7, 2009

Dear Parker,

I cannot wrap my head around the idea that you've been a part of my life for 10 years, which seems impossible. Wasn't it just yesterday that they, the scary doctors from K-Falls cut you out of my womb and rushed you into the NICU? Lifeless, breathless and blue you came into this world and no one would guess that today when they look at the fullness of life that is contained in your eyes.

I come back to that memory of you often, when we were finally both well enough to be together, your right arm extended toward my face, the two of us meeting for the first time. You were so perfect!

Parker, OMG your 10!!! Ten years old!! My sweet baby boy has become a long and lean preteen…

You have become completely self-sufficient, there came a point in the last year when I felt like I was home free, like well, he can dress himself, pour his own cereal and read instructions, what's left for me to do? And now that you've grasped Wikipedia, do you really need me, an aging and out-of-touch busy body trying to guide you through life? Ok, that possibly is an exaggeration, but gosh you could ask me for help once in awhile just to make me feel like a good mom.

Your 10, for heaven’s sake you even have b.o.! This was brought to my attention last week and caused a two day crying spell about you becoming a real boy, a little man. I know you think I’m ridiculous and silly, but someday when you have kids of your own I think you will understand. In the blink of an eye you changed from a tiny baby into a young man who already wears the same shoe size as I do! Time flew by Parker, but I have so enjoyed watching you grow, learn, love and overcome adversity.

Your artistic abilities are truly outstanding. The paintings you create are beautiful and your drawings contain such great detail. You are a designer, builder, constructor extraordinaire! Your ability to build something grand out of nothing is an awesome talent. Your livelihood and character are a huge part of what people see about you. You’re rambunctious and full of energy, always on the go, always on a mission to complete something new!

Parker, I want to thank you for being a great big brother. I know it’s not always easy and lot of time it’s just downright frustrating to you. I hope that through being the oldest you will glen great qualities such as being a leader, that you will take pride in being an example, and value your place in being the man of our house. I appreciate you and all that you do around here big guy! I appreciate your love and loyalty to your brother and how you tell him a bed time story each night, I appreciate that you aren’t too cool to play with your sister, even if that means playing with her dollhouse.

Ten years old!! Wow! Mr. P I sure do love you with all of my heart. Today I’m in awe of you… I love your blond curls and bright blue eyes. I love that you can roll your eyes in crazy directions. I love how you get my sarcasm, shake your head and say, "Mom, you're just joking." I love how your proud of the fact that you gave me my stretch marks and that you are the one who made me a mom.

I adore how you still sleep with the baby blanket I made you tucked into the side of your bed. I enjoy watching you attempt crazy tricks on your bike and jumping like a mad man on the trampoline. I dig your guitar playin and watching you belt out your favorite song in the car. Oh son, your laugh, just so you know is the best; it brings great joy to my heart when I see you filled with laughter.

You have changed so much since that first day when I met you, a day that altered my life so drastically that sometimes it still feels like I'm catching my breath. I imagine that I won't ever stop feeling this way, won't ever stop having a portion of my brain dedicated to the thought of where you are and what you're doing, won't ever be able to escape the constant, nagging hope that you are happy and fulfilled.

Happy Tenth Birthday Parker, you rock my world bud! Thanks for making me a mom. I hope I’m doing a good job, God knows I try my hardest. I’m so blessed to have you as a son and I so look forward to our next 10 years together!!

Love you bud,

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